Yes, spiritual, indeed. I glean the fields of sanity anywhere that I can find it. Religion and human creation by its own design is both controlling and limiting, so spiritual allows unlimited because man is the creation, he is not the form anymore than the form of a chair can be considered the creation of the tree. I am unlimited and embrace all religions without discrimination.
America! America! My blessed I AM Country!
The Light of God that never fails. America! Tis Thee.
America! America! The Cup that holds the Christ-Light that will light the planet wide.
America, my love for thee, let her freedom reign without divide.
Yes, spiritual, indeed. I glean the fields of sanity anywhere that I can find it. Religion and human creation by its own design is both controlling and limiting, so spiritual allows unlimited because man is the creation, he is not the form anymore than the form of a chair can be considered the creation of the tree. I am unlimited and embrace all religions without discrimination.
And, with that statement, you get a resounding "AMEN!"
Thank you LucyInTheSky. 2016 is going to be a year of change for all of us. So be it. It is done.
Agree! I believe the hardest part for most people is to accept and receive. They block what the Universe is trying to give to them, get to them, help them with. Way too much wrong education, religiosity, pride and ego. They'd rather be right than righteous.
Western States Open Mind Network -> Religion -> Can we have a Spiritual area too? That would be awesome.
Due to this header, I think I may have mistaken this request as RELIGIOUS rather than SPIRITUAL / SPIRITUALITY. I apologize for being confused if so.
I like to read & share articles & commentaries from a non-denominational International Ministry, Dr. Stephen Jones, aka: GKM or
God's Kingdom Ministries. Problem is I do not know where to post these often current event commentaries and sometimes relevant teachings. Right now they are under "Alternative" etc.
I understand that not everyone is blessed by the same definition of "spirituality"~ It is defined to me as a very personal, progressive journey & experience. I am blessed to be a rather "open minded" believer. I am ever so grateful for that, as is helps me to be both grounded in my fundamental Christian beliefs ~ yet flex and stretch outside of the conventional boundaries of the RELIGIONS of man. For me, until there was a BEYOND "religion" awakening, I found no tangible peace and joy. That being said, I have never found it necessary to abandoned my natural attraction and affinity for my Creator.
So it may be that this is not the category I seek for my human condition reality and the spiritual world I desire to explore & navigate when ever possible.
I could use a little advice or clarity on the intended request for a "Spiritual area". Will this category appropriately fit / serve what I had in mind?
Excellent suggestion. Providing all religions, faiths, beliefs are acceptable and nobody tries to suggest theirs is the only one that matters. No bashing others. Tolerance of all and perhaps we will learn something from others. We are all one after all.
Excellent suggestion. Providing all religions, faiths, beliefs are acceptable and nobody tries to suggest theirs is the only one that matters. No bashing others. Tolerance of all and perhaps we will learn something from others. We are all one after all. EWK
So, I think we all have to ask ourselves if we are comfortable enough to allow a person (s),
to post "Ali Akbar!"
Just ponder that for awhile, before you post, responding back to me.