I wanted to share what I was witness to on 2-13-16 around 11PM mst as I was driving along the interstate. As the moon was just above the mountain to the West there were three lines of clouds stretching vertically North to South, almost like chemtrails, but distinctly larger and not dispersing outward. These clouds were only taking up about a 10th of the Western sky. The moon was just above them when I noticed it made the clouds glow very bright. As the moon continued closer to the three clouds, they became brighter. Once the moon was behind the clouds, they began to glow in a rainbow of colors between the spaces in the clouds. As the rainbow effect became brighter, the entire Eastern (cloudless, clear) sky began to glow a deep blood red color.
I asked my guides what all this meant, as I had been feeling an energy surge as I watched in amazement, here is what I was told: The three clouds represent the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, the moon represents the Love within all living beings, and the blood red sky represents all the things we hold onto that have prevented us from ascending into our higher dimensional selves. The blood was taking from us all we were ready to release. At this point I became overwhelmed with emotions and a deep sense of love and gratitude for being here, now, at this amazing time of our consciousness shift.
Since all this happened last night, I have felt a great burden lifted from me. My heart feels much lighter. My thoughts are more loving. The energy is still surging through me, though I have had a chance to balance with it. I hope everyone who chose to experience the release of that which no longer serves the highest good was able to welcome the shift into every cell of their being as well. I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone here on WSOMN for helping to create such a beautiful environment in which all share each moment in time together, individually and through our inner connectedness. Love and Blessings to Us All!
Manifest, My guides agree and add for me to remember Love Thy Father and Love Thy neighbor as represented By World Forgiveness by the Highest Spiritual beings on Earth. This includes the Pope and Greek Orthodox 1000 years to the Chinese Elders` forgiveness(The Blood You Witnessed) of Debt to God`s chosen few that do Good Works with this Blessing= Faith Without Works is Dead and Works without Faith is also DEAD. Phenom.
Manifest, beautiful post, thank you for sharing :) My guides also agree, and at that time we were in the middle of a 6 day 'wave' of energy or frequency to help us all open our hearts, decrease the density of the veil, and prepare for what is upon us now, and coming