I dreamt I heard a blast over the land,
A sound of a Shofar from God’s own hand,
And it said to me with such clarity –
“Take heed my child this message from Me.”
For I have always been with you at every turn-
And I’ve taught you the things you needed to learn.
I have given you the songs that angels have known,
And I have promised I’d never leave you alone;
The clouds will open, and My blessings shall flow
These are the promises that you were told.
So be a good steward and give a portion back to Me,
And the blessings of a long life you will see;
This is a gift of love and not one from men,
It is of the Father’s doings, and so then
I will sit in heaven knowing that I did My part,
This blessing to you My child is from My heart.
Epaphroditus© October 11, 2009
In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.
Psalm 5:3
Big Bewdah
"There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen" ~ Rumi