Strenuous times ahead for us in need
As the ones in control have us bleed
The people in control have us all in chains
For bondage of their own is their
Relinquish what you thought was the norm
As our nation needs rebirth and reform
Most people cannot see what's going on
As our policies cripple us to the bone
America can be strong and return to it's glory
If all people unite to rewrite the story
Grasp in your mind how great we once were
And look at today as if it were a blur
The chains of the people in need today
Are in belief that the policy's are here to stay
In the collapse of our union as we know it
The destitute or less fortunate will be the first to not fit
All this division in our nation is a stigma worldwide
As the rest of the globe laughs at our divide
America can recover from the heartache it's seen
As long as we stick together as forever we lean
Lean on each other no matter your background
For we are Americans complete and sound
Let's not throw away the blood of our revolution
With any principles that are against our constitution
In the end our nation was founded on In God We Trust
When we as a people is a Must
As a people we can conquer all
If we stand together we will not fall
Grow in the knowledge that we all can unite
America together can win the fight