The whole essence of truth cannot be transmitted from any other. All answers are to be found in the sanctuary of your own heart, in the innermost depths of intuition combined with learned understanding and knowledge gleaned through direct experience.
God dwells in us and we dwell in this magnificent creation field. We live, more and have our entire being inside the body of absolute perfection. All, everything is available to each of us while living inside the awareness of this all pervasive omnipresence that influences every aspect of our lives and every twitch of our muscles. The Divine Presence has never left us, and we have never separated ourselves from this Presence.
What we have done through the human intellect is put on blinders. We experience ourselves in a body for purposes that really, only the Divine Presence knows. If you are attuned with and have an intimate relationship with your Creator, then you must always go with what you believe to be true for you, no matter what level of understanding you believe yourself to be. This is so very important. Again, God is within you and you are within God. What is true for you is true for God.
Creation is having its unique experience… through you. Its reality as YOU is eternally in motion, always creating new patterns of experience. Your truth will always change as your consciousness expands and spirals up the DNA staircase. The more that your consciousness can integrate expanding perceptions, the faster your vibrational frequency and the faster you can think, create and manifest new things in the physical reality, thereby broadening your scope of understanding.
The whole essence of truth cannot be transmitted from any other. All answers are to be found in the sanctuary of your own heart, in the innermost depths of intuition combined with learned understanding and knowledge gleaned through direct experience.
This truth will change again and again according to your shifting perception and the rapidity of which you are changing. In this day and age, it is not uncommon for our personal truth to change every day.