Entry Submitted by Bewdah at 4:36 AM EDT on August 11, 2016
A message from St Germain to the leaders of dinarland
As we sit at the threshold of the long awaited blessing, the coagulation of energies coming from none other than Dinarland is what is holding back the flow of events. We as leaders of what should be the greatest of humanitarian groups are caught up with creating factions and name calling. In so doing, the consciousness of unity is lost.
So leaders, please please PLEASE let's, for the greater good of humanity and Gaia, drop the combat mentality and join hands in love and unity. Let's stop differentiating and realize that we are all fighting the same enemy and it isn't each other.
As far as rates, you get it or your don't. Stop putting out rates as it, as of late has generated an energy of greed.
This is as close as 2 hours away or as far as months down the road. The choice is yours to make. I certainly hope you chose love.
You are powerful creators. Accept responsibility for your God given ability and create responsibly and in unity. Make no mistake you ARE indeed creating what is in your heart. You are cultivating the leaders moving forward but what are you cultivating? Animosity and division? All this does is anchor you all to the reality that your are attempting to ascend from. Lead your groups with love for all. Set an example worth following and you'll receive our blessings almost instantaneously.
In loving service,
St Germain