Selamat Jalwa! All is going extremely well. The dark is becoming shell shocked, as it is quite apparent that its supposed victory is quickly fading away. The dark cabal is now racing in vain to somehow preserve what little is still solvent. It is like a sudden spray of acid that was unexpectedly added to the mix. The US, Inc. is about to dissolve as it becomes crystal clear that the new NESARA Republic is again on the world’s horizon. The dark cabal can now see the inevitable writing on the wall. Its old ways are finished and the old guard now awaits its long delayed punishment. The true Constitution with many needed revisions is shortly to make its appearance and Congress and the rest of the dark’s regime is to go on hiatus. The new policies of the de jure regime are to soon become a normal every day event. This globe has long waited for what is about to swiftly happen. This project is one that the Light has long waited for. You are about to receive your freedom and obtain the beginnings of your prosperity.