Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come during this divine season to talk to you about Grace. As noted in an earlier message, Grace is about respect. It is a time when two people make the effort to introduce each other's souls to one another in a spirit of kindness. It is a moment when one lives in alignment with our Creator's divine plan, rather than within the struggles of illusion. By the grace of God. It is important at all times to work beneath the sanction of divine grace, as its purpose is to align your desires with the flow of the Divine. Moreover, at this time, a continuous series of special blessings is showering your planet in acknowledgment of this most distinguished occasion. It is natural for Heaven to use this holy time to explain the extent of the special sacrifice of Yeshua (Jesus), the Christ. A towering Soul Essence was released at his resurrection. It is this special time in which we celebrate the prodigious number of heavenly blessings bestowed upon both the great illuminated Light of the Christ and upon those disciples who followed and sustained this utmost sacrifice. As we realign with the Truth of who we truly are, we are all becoming Christed expressions of our Creator.
What makes Yeshua's teachings special is the unique level of consciousness his Soul illuminated in that particular life. It is important at all times to work within the sanction of divine grace, as its purpose is to align your desires with the flow of the Divine. We are all developing Christ consciousness. As we look back and examine the lives of our fellow Masters, none can fully duplicate the meaning of Christ's sacrifice to humanity. It has given us all a distinctive Light and blueprint that is one of the vehicles that enables us to raise consciousness. We are most blessed by those who follow in the steps and ways of that great Christed Light. At this time we honor the effect that that glorious Light has had on us and, ultimately, on the world. For that reason, we hold this as a very special time in our hearts.
In commemoration of this hallowed time, two among us, Count Saint Germain and Quan Yin, for a 24-hour period each year, shut down our World Trust activities to celebrate all that this season truly means to your ascension process. As we previously noted, this Light allows us to bring out into the open the great Lights and the victories that now are ready to be revealed. Your growth in consciousness, connected to the Light, is now ready to manifest a glorious Victory for all Souls trapped in the darkness that once controlled this globe. Thus, we ask that the collective energy of this blessed season be used to lift up your individual and collective consciousness. As you are prepared, embrace the Light of higher consciousness and use it to help elevate the whole of humanity. Easter is a time to honor the meaning of the Christ Light and the way it is bringing in a new dawn of consciousness to the people on this planet and to all residing in the Milky Way galaxy. In this most sacred season, we honor both the past sacrifices of this one great Light and the growth of consciousness that is hovering on the brink of an unprecedented global awakening.