This actually sounds like an interesting CC..
I fear people are counting on the RV to save them..
But there is no time like the present to prepare.. Because they have sabotaged so many food sources and product availability, I fear for those who have not begun yet.
Snickers stated in chat- that to prepare one might need to have a bigger house. 🤔 Good statement- 👍
There are many things people can do in this regard.. This needs to be posed for those wondering how they can prepare in place if they are unable to move to a more desirable location..
It does not have to be for an all out disaster situation.. but to prepare for personal bad times are a place to begin.
Are those buckets you can buy w/ prepared foods what you have to do? No.. think about what you and your family eat and plan in a simplistic manor. Make your own buckets.
Do you know that you can make your buckets long term storable, by using dry ice, as a simple chemical reaction, thus removing oxygen for bug to survive and extending the shelf life of your dry good!
Water is easy storage, if you just think ahead.
This is a subject everyone can benefit from.
Don't be one of those people who didn't plan ahead because it will be dangerous for you to be out there.
I am looking forward to this CC (in replay) hope it helps out many.
Wow quite a potential lineup. Would be fantastic if it all could be transcribed word for word for later printable, but that probably would not be doable, I'm guessing.
Green has some good points when it comes to survival. I have to buy water to store, and no place to store it - bottles don't fit inside and will freeze in the shed, but I keep as many as I can. The water here is very bad - smells and will get rotten if left in a container (we don't drink it). I can relate to those who have little room to store extra. I get plenty of guff from my family as I have as many containers of dry food, hierloom seeds, etc., as I can store in addition to a stock of TP, lol. I wish I had Green's knowledge of prep, storing, etc. Perhaps she will one day consider a class for the rest of us. I'd like to hear more about this dry ice solution to storing dry goods. I keep a couple of bags of flour and one got bugs even sealed (as much as possible) in plastic.
-- Edited by Clara on Thursday 20th of July 2023 06:39:17 PM