I wrote this poem while running a hot asphalt kettle in the roofer's union, Local 42 in Cincinnati. I sent it to the Montel Williams show in 2001 and he wrote me back that I was in the top three for consideration for the top prize of $10,000. I never heard from him again but did see it in one of his book of poems with the author unknown. Ouch!!! Enjoy and know your presence is special to all.
“Hello”, the man spoke to the Flower of Red.
“Hello” was echoed throughout the whole bed.
“ Hello” ‘Twas a clear voice so conscious and Bold;
A word cloaked in wisdom and honey and gold.
“Hello; did you hear that?” The fairies exclaimed.
At Hello the spirits of nature and elementals grow tame.
Rejoice, Rejoice, the angels rejoiced,
For a word from a Human to them had been voiced.
“He looked right at us and spoke to us true.”
With wings fanning blossoms their perfume said, “Hello, How are you?”
America! America! My blessed I AM Country!
The Light of God that never fails. America! Tis Thee.
America! America! The Cup that holds the Christ-Light that will light the planet wide.
America, my love for thee, let her freedom reign without divide.
Hebiam, you must have been practicing transcendental meditation on that rooftop to take yourself out of that moment and create such an extraordinary poem....it is mesmerizing. Butterfly effect comes to mind. Thanks for all you contribute....what an exceptionally soft heart and soul you have.
I wrote this poem while running a hot asphalt kettle in the roofer's union, Local 42 in Cincinnati. I sent it to the Montel Williams show in 2001 and he wrote me back that I was in the top three for consideration for the top prize of $10,000. I never heard from him again but did see it in one of his book of poems with the author unknown. Ouch!!! Enjoy and know your presence is special to all.
“Hello”, the man spoke to the Flower of Red.
“Hello” was echoed throughout the whole bed.
“ Hello” ‘Twas a clear voice so conscious and Bold;
A word cloaked in wisdom and honey and gold.
“Hello; did you hear that?” The fairies exclaimed.
At Hello the spirits of nature and elementals grow tame.
Rejoice, Rejoice, the angels rejoiced,
For a word from a Human to them had been voiced.
“He looked right at us and spoke to us true.”
With wings fanning blossoms their perfume said, “Hello, How are you?”
Would a letter to the publisher be in order?
How you do anything is how you do everything...T. Harv Eker
It's becoming a full time job side-stepping and avoiding
the chaos makers and nutcases! LOL ... Paperchaser
Very nice poem! Thank you for sharing! and too bad your poem was used and you not given recognition for it :(
you probibly should have gotten it copyrighted first before sharing it with anyone.
I wrote a song and in process of completing it and i already have gotten it copyrighted. and in process of eventually adding music to the lyrics / words but waiting for post RV so ill have the money.
Daily Affirmation
I recant and deny any and all that is not in alignment with God's divine will for my life and destiny.
Thank you all for your kind words. The poem you see as my signature was written by me and after RV, one day I intend on putting it on some billboards along Hwy 10 so people clogged in traffic can read it while they wait. You never know what the seeds you plant will bring forth, but with the I AM you know it will be magnificent. May you all be blessed.
America! America! My blessed I AM Country!
The Light of God that never fails. America! Tis Thee.
America! America! The Cup that holds the Christ-Light that will light the planet wide.
America, my love for thee, let her freedom reign without divide.