The Illusion of your 3rd Dimentional Life
Beloved ones we greet you,
Today is your day to be alive and experience the true expression of yourself regardless of where you find yourself in the illusion of your 3rd dimensional life. Now is your time to celebrate the significance of being on the earth plane at this very sacred moment. We remind you of your commitment to be here, your commitment to play your role and fulfill being on this earth plane with the support of the Higher Realms.
In February you move forward into yet another dimensional setting of flowing light currents moving onto the earth plane. This will enable you to resurrect yourself into other aspects of your alignment to the higher dimensional states that is resurrecting the planet.
These light currents are designed for you to be able to access new revelations of understanding of this time, to be able to remember your heritage and re-access your plan that you have set in motion for now.
Your physical systems within your body have undergone a powerful transformation since the New Year. The cells of your body are carrying a new energetic light that is making it possible for you to move to an expanded experience of awakening, to a new meeting point of Self.
We, the Pleiadians are here with you to offer support in this next stage of your transition. As you open through these expanded directional light currents there will be a new phase of unique sacred experiences revealed to you.
Know that we move into a new chapter of supporting you in your awakening now. We call to you to open up and give us permission to work with you on another level in this next transitional period. Connect to your heart space and call us forward to act as ‘way showers’ in this next segment of your transition.
This time is about you being willing to allow the help at this juncture of your process. We are pre-destined to support many of you now in a new way. Working with you individually instead of collectively holding platforms.
The reason for this changing role now is because of these new series of light currents that are opening you to the Higher Realm perspectives of your sacred natures. Many of you need individual and unique support during this phase of your transition. You cannot do this specific aspect of your sacred transition alone.
The cells of your body are going to continue to be transformed by these flowing light currents. There will be an electrical redesign process take place within your systems. This redesign will support the birthing of a multi-dimensional awareness of your higher self. The restructuring of your electrical energy will allow this new frequency of light of Self to be held within your physical cells. Enabling you to begin to access and anchor to the multi-dimensional Higher Realm aspects of your higher Self.
This is where we will do unique individual adjustments with you to enable a fast and effective transition. We also hold a sacred light around you as you go through this deep metamorphic process.
There is the creation of a holy process of forging your sacred design as you become one within the essence of your being. The cells of your body will be infused with this light flow design, it will hold the imprint of your own sacredness of Self that you are:
“You are who you have been waiting for.”
We are reminding you that ‘all is in hand’, and so it is. You are in the perfect place at this time for your next steps to unfold. These series of experiences that you have created right now is exactly what is necessary to lead you to your next step. Your ego mind may have many doubts and questions. This is to be expected. Know this, there is nothing you need to work out, you will be moved where you need to be, and doors of opportunity will open when the time is right.
This is your time to be given access to many Truths and Understandings so that you can move towards new perspectives within the full multi-dimensional world. As you begin to open up into this new awareness of yourself there will be a echoing from the Universe that will support the transformation of every experience within your existence in every moment. The Universe will respond to the changing new perspective that you have within your self so that you can move more freely within the multi-dimensional framework that does exist.
We hold the frequency of love around you, like a womb. We witness your birthing process and hold a hand outwards towards you. Open to what is rightfully yours.
Infinite Blessings,
The Pleiadians